

Advantages Of Ceramic Core

There are more and more ceramic cores on the market, so what are the benefits of ceramic cores?

In fact, compared with the traditional cotton oil guide, the ceramic core has a more delicate oil guiding effect. It reduces the phenomenon of oil frying caused by excessive oil saturation of cotton, and at the same time, it uses the physical characteristics of slow heating and slow cooling of ceramics, which can play a preheating effect on tobacco oil in continuous use, making the taste softer when smoking. Full, the taste is more delicate and stable, and it has a sufficient amount of smoke while satisfying the taste experience.

The ceramic wraps the heating wire to protect the heating wire from oxidation, while increasing the heating area and high temperature resistance. Some ceramics can filter impurities, truly restore the flavor of smoke oil, and the atomization taste is pure and natural. For example: vladdin's cartridge, the ceramic core used inside has this effect. The palate is fine and the degree of reduction is very good. Pure ceramic core can increase the power to reduce the heating delay, while the pure ceramic core is not easy to paste, and the life is relatively long...

The ceramic core is small and lightweight, and is easy to carry. Although the smoke generated is small, the high nicotine (salt) smoke oil can provide a good experience for the smoke, but also meet the daily needs, so this is why the ceramic core is basically used in small smoke.


What is nicotine salt?

What is the difference between nicotine salt liquids and ordinary liquids? Nicotine salt has become the main trend this year, and more and more Liquids manufacturers are trying to use nicotine salt.How much do you know about nicotine its chemical composition based on salt? Where did the salt come from?Nicotine is naturally present in tobacco leaves and exists in the form of salt, but this special salt is not suitable for evaporation in vape.
General structure of nicotine salt
structure of nicotine salt
This "salt" cannot be mixed with salt!
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, The tobacco company began adding ammonia or diammonium phosphate to tobacco to improve the taste of cigarettes.This produces a nicotine "free base" form that allows for faster inhalation of blood during smoking, making smokers more satisfied and thus dominant in the tobacco market for decades.To separate nicotine from tobacco leaves, it is first converted to its free base form and then extracted using a solvent.
This free radical nicotine is most commonly used for atomization in Vape, but the nicotine absorption rate is lower compared to cigarettes. This may be because the vapor particles are larger in size than the tobacco particles, resulting in inability to penetrate deep into the lungs.By investigating the heart rate in the experimental study, the satisfaction of the user's report, and the plasma nicotine levels of the test participants, it was found that some nicotine-containing preparations containing organic acids evaporate to produce nicotine equivalent to cigarettes.
In addition, these formulations improve nicotine stability and reduce the damage to the throat caused by free nicotine used by vaper.That's why some people believe that nicotine salt is more useful for quitters because nicotine has a greater effect on smokers, and when smokers turn to Vaping, they are more satisfied.
One such formulation is nicotine benzoate, which is formed by the addition of benzoic acid to nicotine. This is also the most commonly used nicotine salt formula in the US's popular small smoke equipment. Vladdin's Liquids is made from the United States imported nicotine salt, making the taste more mellow and gentle.


Six-month Observational Study: Effectiveness And Safety Of E-Cigarettes

In the past few years, consumer interest and the use of e-cigarettes (EC) as an alternative to smoking have increased exponentially. Many users of EC (also known as vapers) feel that using EC is safer than smoking CC(traditional cigarettes). In view of the effectiveness and safety of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation. The effectiveness and safety of single-user and dual-user e-cigarettes in Kuantan and Pekan Malaysia were observed with the aim of investigating nicotine cessation in EC and CC. The security problems of single EC and double (EC and CC) users within six months were also reported. From June 2015 to November 2015, they observed 218 unique EC patients and dual users over 6 months in Malaysia. Both groups underwent exhaled carbon monoxide and salivary cotinine analyses to validate nicotine cessation in EC and CC users. Adverse events and withdrawal symptoms were assessed on a self-report basis.

The data collection

At the beginning of the data collection, the only EC user is using EC only and the carbon monoxide (CO) level is less than or equal to 7ppm (PPM). However, for dual users using both EC and CC, CO value is greater than or equal to 8ppm. This indicates that the median CO level of dual users is significantly higher than that of single EC users. Apers are used in most vapers without tobacco. Therefore, the steam produced by them is free of carbon monoxide and tar. This indicates that the use of EC can reduce the toxicity of carbon monoxide more than the use of CC.

EC effect evaluation

Before the use of EC, the median intake of CC in both groups was 20 CC per day. After 6 months of follow-up, 148 dual users were included. The CC consumption rate for dual users did not decrease significantly between the start of data collection and week 24 (P < = 0.087). However, among the only EC users who resumed smoking, their daily CC consumption was still lower than that of double users (P <0.001). The only EC users showed a higher CC quit rate (29 to 15; OR: 6.33; And EC and CCS for combination (5 to 2; OR: 5.62; P ratio is used for double users <0.036), and there is a significant difference between the two.

Measurement of adverse reactions

Overall, dual users experienced more adverse effects throughout the study period than did single EC users. One case of COPD was recorded in the dual user group, and the only EC user did not report such a case during the entire study period. The main adverse reactions and withdrawal symptoms observed by dual users were cough, dyspnea and desire to smoke. Overall, the only EC users reported fewer side effects and withdrawal symptoms compared with dual users.


Existing studies have shown that the risk level of ECs is lower than that of CCs. EC is currently available as an additional smoking cessation support tool in Malaysia, but appropriate procedures must be taken to encourage individual EC use and product quality. This has been recognized that electronic cigarettes have a certain effect on smoking cessation and effect, in order to the health of the body, confirmed that electronic cigarettes have quit smoking effect, how each country will treat electronic cigarettes? We'll see.

Can E Cigarette Quit Smoking?A Six-Month Observational Study

In the past few years, consumer interest and the use of electronic cigarettes (EC) as an alternative to smoking have grown exponentially....